5 Free 3D File Repair And File Healing Software For Peace Of Mind

Over the past decades, there has been a significant rise in the incidences of cyber insecurity comprising data virus infection, hacking and even theft of information; this has mostly undermined the fidelity of some vital information. Data corruption is a common cause of data loss in the tech field nowadays. Other precipitants of file damage may include, hardware failure and human error. 3D printing file repair in the correct format can be a nightmare especially when costs are involved, it is important to find the best 3d printing software for CAD. Data quality may get degraded if the repair and healing process is insufficient. The choice of which software to use in file repair will depend on the specifications of your computer, the sensitivity of the files and intent.  Outlined below are some of the best free 3D file repair and file healing software available.


FreeCAD is a free 3D file repair and healing software that is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is suitable for use by developers, educators, programmers and homer users. It can repair and heal 3D files in many file formats such as STL, SVG, STEP and many more. FreeCAD repair STL has been found to be perfect. Another striking feature of this freeware is that it is highly customizable to suit specific users’ needs. Besides, it gives you a high level of control on your 3D project.


SketchUp makes 3D modeling much interesting: it is easy and fun to use. With the SketchUp STL file repair feature, you don’t have to worry about the frustrations of losing essential ideas and designs. SketchUp STL repair focuses mainly on usability and functionality. It is a multiplatform software available for free download.


Blender is an open-source freeware recommended for most 3D projects. Blender 3D printing is suitable for most 3D modeling and animation works. Blender repair STL allows for correction and amalgamation of data to a desired final product. Once downloaded on Windows, Mac or Linux, you can forever use it without any charges.


This was initially developed for processing and editing unstructured 3D meshes. General functionalities include editing, inspection, and repair of STL files. MeshLab is further conspicuously available on IOS and Android platforms. MeshLab repair STL is applicable for filling in holes and gaps in the mesh design. However, its use requires some technical know-how. Other file formats handled by MeshLab include, 3ds, ply, off, VRML and many more.


Meshmixer is more than a simple STL repair tool that squarely and seamlessly handles all STL file problems, and it can perform critical STL file repair actions such as hollowing, scaling and mesh simplification. Meshmixer repair STL is not suitable for use by beginners; however, usage is suited for blending with Autodesk product family thus the name Autodesk Meshmixer. Notably, it is capable of handling the relatively versatile 3mf file format as well. Beginning April 2018, Meshmixer version 3.5 is available for both Windows and Mac Operating systems.

There are several other 3D file repair and healing software available to fix STL file problems, and these can be either online or offline software.
